ArtHouse Jersey is delighted to share the details of the latest in their series of Pop Up exhibitions.
A solo show by local ceramic and mixed media artist Lindsay Rutter. The exhibition will take place on both Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 August at ArtHouse Jersey’s HQ at Greve de Lecq Barracks between 10am and 5pm both days. This exhibition will focus on a collection of ceramics which explore highly personal, reflective stories. ArtHouse Jersey’s pop up series invites people to enjoy the work of local artists in the beautiful setting of Greve de Lecq Barracks and Rutter will be in attendance all to welcome visitors and discuss her work. Lindsay Rutter is a local ceramic and mixed media artist who recently completed a degree in design as a mature student following a career in finance. Rutter works with a range of mediums and combines ceramics with printing techniques to explore surface pattern, slab building, mould making and slip casting. She also experiments with self-portraiture through photography and illustration. She combines hand drawn imagery on silkscreens and prints these onto ceramics, layering with mono-printing, photo decals and gold lustre. Rutter views art as a meditative process which she uses to explore relationships, sexuality and mental health, all influenced by travel. For example, her Bali pot series explores the end of a relationship whilst travelling in Indonesia and her work has been significantly inspired by the contrast of architecture and street art in Kraków Poland. Lindsay Rutter said, “I am very excited to be showing with Arthouse Jersey. They have been a great support to me. I will be exhibiting a selection of work from the past few years, including work from The Bali Pot series that was funded by ArtHouse Jersey through their Project and Development Grant scheme. There have been moments during recent times where I have felt I was losing myself. Having a creative outlet over the many restrictions and lockdowns in place helped me find myself again. I have created some highly personal special memento pieces that remind me of who I am and I will be sharing these for the first time ever in Jersey. I hope people enjoy them.” The ArtHouse Jersey Pop Up exhibition ‘A Sense of Self’ by Lindsay Rutter takes place Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 August at Greve de Lecq Barracks between 10am and 5pm each day. Parking is available in the beach car park 2 mins walk away.
